Anyway, on to the happenings from this past we had a little holiday called Mother's Day this past weekend...I don't know about y'all, but I take this day pretty seriously. I mean, my full time job is to be a Mama, so I feel like I should be rewarded for does every other Mama out there! That said, I had kind of been hinting around the fact that all of my male friends were asking me what to get their wives, leaving magazines open to specific items that I liked, leaving coupons for items to my favorite stores around, and even repeatedly asking A what he was getting his Mom. I was literally laying it all out on a silver platter for the guy, making it very evident that Mother's Day was coming up. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't need gifts...but who would I be kidding if I said I didn't want something to let me know that I am appreciated, am I right? Who doesn't want that? Even a nice card would do the trick for me. Long story short, here's how the weekend played out:
My first ever "personalized" Mother's Day present from Madden :) Be still my beating heart! |
Enough of that...the rest of the day was spent enjoying some delish Chic Fil A, and patio furniture shopping. Now I was so excited to finally be getting a patio set because A and I had been deliberating on one for over a year. Just like anything in our house, if the purchase price is over $500, we have long, drawn out discussions over it. So, the fact that we were finally biting the bullet made me extremely excited. That was until after we had finally found one, and were in the check out line that A looks at me, as he's swiping his card, and goes: "Happy Mother's Day." Um, excuse me...whaaaa?? Don't get me wrong, I love the set, but it was a tad disappointing that something we were going to get anyway had to be bundled as my Mother's Day present...(I know I'm sounding ungrateful but just give me a chance to explain) fast forward to our drive home and I go: "so this will be your Father's Day present too, right?" He looks at me with this confused look and says "no, I want a new pair of sunglasses." I tried hard not to laugh, so instead I just chose to ignore him.
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Although I sound ungrateful, it truly is a beautiful set and I do love it! |
Men. I tell you what...please tell me that my man isn't the only one to ever pull something like this...needless to say, I love our new set. We have already eaten dinner on it twice and lunch on it this afternoon. It was a great purchase, I was just hoping for a little more thought and effort into the gift for the mother of your child...or at least a pretty bow and card attached to it! (And no, neither of those were done...)
*end rant.
Sunday brought church, then a yummy brunch at a little cafe with our good friends. Home for a quick bike ride to the park, then naptime.
Pure joy. |
We enjoyed a little grilled hamburger action along with some potato salad and baked beans around my present last night. Then bath time, jammie's and bed for all three of us. (Have I mentioned yet that we are basically a couple of 80 year olds who are in bed by 8:30 on Sunday nights??)
Although I do sound bitter about my Mother's Day, I truly am not. I really am just so grateful for the little boy who calls me his Mama and for his hard working, loving Daddy who gave me this precious gift.
The best shot I could get of us on Mother's Day...I somehow am always on the opposite side of the camera... |
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and if you are a Mama, I hope you were treated extra special on the day dedicated to you!
Until next time...
I know I'm posting like, months late, but I just had to comment. My husband does this all the time!! Or he will go out the day before and get my gift! Meanwhile I am planning it for months what I'd get him!! Men!