I think that I have mentioned before that I belong to a group through my church that is dedicated strictly to Moms. Moms of all ages, with kids of all ages. We meet every other week, bring brunch type yummies to share and sit around and talk about our "Mommy Moments." AKA: "My child talked about his 'pee-pee' in school" or 'my child had a blow out in the middle of Target' or 'I had to pull my child out of church kicking and screaming the whole way' or 'my child told me that he loves me for the first time.' They aren't all bad, but just things that our children do that we want to share with other moms who get it! We give and get advice, do crafts, all while enjoying some mommy alone time with free child care...you just can't beat it!
Anyway, the table that I sit with has about 10 ladies at it, and we aren't just friends every other Thursday...we like to do things outside of our usual meetings like play dates, coffee dates, or even go out to dinner together. But this Friday I am hosting a little get together at our house for "Mom's Night
Out In." It's nothing fancy, just some snacks, "Mommy juice" (wine and margaritas) and girl chat. Let me tell you, these ladies know how to have a good time! Don't let the fact that we meet at a church fool you!
With that said, I thought I would share with you a few of the snacks that I am preparing for tomorrow night. Everyone is bringing a little something to share, but, me being the hostess, I feel as though I should make sure to have my bases covered, so no one leaves hungry or thirsty!!
First up are
these little guys...They are so simple, but oh so yummy! I can literally have them whipped up in about 10 minutes.
Pickle Roll Ups Photo and Recipe found Here |
I have always found that everyone loves a good, hearty cheese dip in the cold weather months...well, I know it's May, but it's only supposed to get up to 42 degrees tomorrow, so
this little number will be perfect served up with some crispy tortilla chips and an ice cold margarita on the side. Again, simplicity is key here...no fuss makes for a happier and less stressed Mama!
Hamburger Cheese Dip Photo and Recipe found Here |
I know what you are gonna say..."Geeze Jenna, another roll-up?" And my response would be..."HECK YEAH!" I mean who doesn't enjoy easy to pick up, no mess finger foods?? That's what makes
these bad boys perfect! I typically have all of these ingredients on hand, so that means one less trip to the grocery store for me!
BLT Roll-Ups Photo and Recipe found Here |
And last, but not least, I want to fulfill their sweet tooth just a bit without going over board. That is why
these delectable goodies will be perfect. Again, ever so simple to whip up, but look and taste phenomenal!
Strawberry Shortcake Kabobs Photo and Recipe found Here |
Even if you don't belong to an "All Moms Club" just think about having a few of your girlfriends over for a "Girl's Night
Out In." I can promise you, your friends will thank you for it!
Until next time...
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