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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hey hey!!  Happy Friday Eve my dears!  We are so close to the weekend I can almost taste it!  But what is almost better than the weekend??  Well the fact that this amazing link-up is back!  And with a new look!  Thanks to my gal pal Crystal for redesigning the button to have my mug posted next to her gorgeous model head shot!
If you are new to this link up, the rules are simple:  Just grab the button, add it to your blog post to link back to one of our pages, write about any five (or more or less) things that you are thankful for (serious, funny, or a mix of both) and come back to add your post to the link up at the bottom of our pages.  Simple as that.

So what are you waiting for??  Tell us what you are thankful for today!
Here is what I am thankful for this week:

These two.  I mean, y'all know that I am thankful for the little nugget in this picture, but those other two.  They are beyond important to me.  We have been through so much together.  We grew up together.  We have seen the good, the bad and everything in between.  My little sister and brother.  We don't always agree on everything, but at the end of the day I can't imagine my life without them.  Plus, they are the best aunt and uncle (also godmother and godfather) to our little man!  I love them so much and beyond thankful for them!

My MOPS group.  Oh my goodness y'all.  These ladies are the absolute best.  Every other Thursday we get together and talk about mommy hood highs and lows over the most amazing brunch and coffee...all while we get to enjoy two child free hours!  It is marvelous.  Plain and simple.  We have laughed, I have bawled like a little baby sharing our struggles and asking for prayers and positive thoughts.  I look forward to those Thursdays and guess what??  You can find me there today!!  I cannot wait!

This show.  Oh my goodness, this show is hands down my favorite series on television right now.  I mean I have quite a few shows that I enjoy and DVR on a nightly basis, but this one takes the cake.  And with the season premier last night, I am even more excited about this season than last.  If you haven't started watching it, you must.  Just sayin' won't be disappointed...

The ability to wear a combination such as this.  We are back into the 80's this week (boo for fall teasing us last week) so that calls for a light weight long sleeve button down and shorts, or skinny jeans and short sleeve tops.  I guess Mother Nature just wanted to give us all one last chance to bust out the summer gear...but I gotta admit...I'm kinda over it.  Give me my boots, sweater, and leggings weather again.  Please and thank you.

This quote.  I found it last week and it really hits home for me.  I am constantly comparing myself to others.  I find myself wanting things that they have, therefore clouding my judgement of myself.  I have so much to be grateful for and I just need to remember that every day.  I have been working really hard on this one, and I have honestly noticed a huge difference.  My life is pretty darn great and I have to remember to thank God every day for what he has given me!!  

Well, my dears, what are you thankful this week?  Link up with us and let us know!  We all have something that makes our life pretty brag about it!  We wanna hear it!

Until next time...

 photo THursdayLinkupJenna_zps018fb05d.jpg

Thankful Thursday Linkup

1. Kimmyyyyyyyy  3. Spicy  
2. Donna @ Grace & Galoshes  4. Taylor @ Mama Tay LeMay  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. The MOPS sounds amazing. I wonder if they have a mom of way to many kids group locally here?? lol Have a great day!

  2. I loved my MOPS group too! My little man is now in 1st grade but we still get together every now and then for playdates with most of the other MOPS families!

  3. as if I didn't have a blog crush on you already, we both and go LOVE and POST about Nashville on the same day. It's fate.

  4. Okay........ so I have to know about this Nashville business.... you are the 4th person to post about it.... I don't watch tv bc I get WAY to in to SOA.... ADDICTED to the max, as in Jax is my boyfriend and wants to have my babies :)

  5. LOVING that quote!! I think it is something we are all guilty of. And I agree, fall weather, please come back!! xoxo

  6. Such a great quote! It's amazing how happy you can be with your life and then the next minute you see somebody's engagement announcement on Facebook and suddenly all your happiness is gone.

    Thanks for hosting a great link up!
