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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Tidbits of a Two Year Old

Hello lovelies!  Today is one of those days where I just woke up in a great mood...that doesn't happen very often, as I typically have to have my coffee and a workout in before I can officially say that I am happy...Am I the only one who feels this way?  Anyone??  No?  I digress...

Anyway, as I was sitting down to prep my post last night, (as I am trying to be a little more organized and have my posts scheduled a few days in advance...not working out so well over here...) I had a couple different ideas floating around in my head about what I was going to talk about...but nothing seemed to click.  Nothing felt right.  They all felt forced, and that's the last thing I want to do on here: force it.  So I went to bed last night with nothing but a blank screen on my computer.

Then, when my alarm went off this morning, I just had it.  I knew what I wanted to talk about today.  I haven't talked much about him on here at all, and he was one of the main reasons I wanted to start this blog anyway, so what was I waiting for?  It's not like he has accomplished anything huge, or started doing anything out of the ordinary, but so what?  All of these things that I take for granted today, I am going to look back on and think, "why didn't I write those things down?" "why didn't I share them with others?" That's when I's post, and one post a month will be dedicated to my little man.  Starting with today.  So here's what my little is up to these days...
Age: 2 years and 7 months

Height: 37 inches

Favorite Color: Green (As in, every time I ask him what color he wants, be it a crayon, paints, markers, popsicles, etc...his response: GREEN!!)

Favorite Food:  It's a toss up between Pizza, Popcorn, or, that's a lot of "p's"! :)

Favorite Toy(s):  Anything farm related.  Be it his cows, his pick up and trailer, his tractors, or his four wheelers...if it has anything to do with the farm, he wants it.

Favorite TV Show(s):  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Bubble Guppies, Dora the Explorer, Max & Ruby, Peppa Pig...I swear, he's not addicted to TV like it may seem!

Favorite Book:  Little Blue Truck
His Must Haves:  His "Bucky" which is his brown minky blanket with a satin edge.  He has slept with it since he was old enough to have a loose blanket in his bed and he can't sleep without it.  He actually has a specific corner that he must have in his hand before he can fall asleep.  Slightly ocd, maybe??  Haha!
He must also have ALL 10 of his stuffed animals in his bed with him before he can fall asleep.  He also knows if one is missing and will ask for it and cry for it until it's in bed with him.

He must have the bathroom door shut when he is doing his business.  Like, no joke, nobody can be in the room with him until he is finished.  He will literally say: "Go away and shut the door.  'Reave' me alone."

A few random sayings that he says on the daily: (Madden has been talking since he was one, and in full sentences when he was just 15 months old.  So, needless to say, his vocabulary is very diverse!)

  • "I 'ruv' you snoooooow much! (aka "I love you soooo much!)
  • "I 'rike' you...but you're crazy!" 
  • "Mama, if I am good boy, can I get a treat?"
  • "Will you 'pray' toys with me?"
  • "I hungry.  Can you get me something to eat?"
  • "Shhhhh!  Be quiet!  Swiper the fox will swipe your stuff if you not quiet!"
Those a just a few of the HUNDREDS of things that come out of his mouth...I could keep going, but I have to stop somewhere :)
He will hate me for this someday, but he loves trying on my shoes!
I know this post was completely all over the place, but I had to share.  And I know that one day I will look back and be so glad I did this.  He is only little once, and I want to freeze time as long as possible!

Until next time...    


  1. I loved this post!!! Madden is just toooooo stinkin' cute!!!! You know I'm all about my princess so I was excited to hear about Madden and his life! :)

  2. i absolutely love that you shared this and all the great things about madden! totes all over the idea :)

  3. A. The last pic is PRICELESS! Love it! My boys are gonna kill me one day as well. But hey, it's our job as a mom to document EVERY aspect of their life right?! ;) B. Completely agree with the coffee and workout! and C. Hope you had a great day lady! :)
