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Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm so Thankful

I am co-hosting another weekly linkup with my dear friend Crystal and I wanted to take a different spin on the regular Thankful Thursday...I've been working really hard these past few weeks at finding gratitude for where I am in life.  How my title as "Mommy" and "Wife" outweighs any other title I could possibly be given.  I am truly beyond grateful for this life that I have been blessed with, but some days it's so hard to see my exact purpose besides wiping butts and noses, cooking dinner, doing laundry and cleaning.  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the entire world, but I do need to work on my thankfulness for this life that I am living.

So, that said, I have found some quotes that have struck a chord with me these past couple weeks and have put me in my place.  They really got my mind thinking and made me realize that it's ok to feel this way sometimes.  Just as long as we always remember to be grateful for what we have been given!

These are the quotes/sayings that I am thankful for this week:

This one really hit home with our whole baby making journey...there is a reason it is taking this long, and we just need to sit back and let Him take over!  Things happen for a reason...
I know that Madden isn't a "baby" anymore, but he will always be a baby in my eyes...I have worked really hard these past few weeks to put the housework aside while he's awake and just taking more time to play with him...and he loves every. single. minute of it!  I won't ever regret these moments.
This one has been huge when it comes to how I handle punishments with Madden.  I used to raise my voice and have zero patience when he, instead, I seriously take a step back and calm down before reacting.  And you know what??  We are both a lot happier!
This has been extremely hard for me.  I honestly have cut ties with a couple of my friends because they were becoming bad influences in my life.  I'm a glass half full kind of girl and they were leading me down a path of negativity.  It is truly amazing how much lighter, happier, freer I feel now that they are no longer in my circle of friends!
I'm not perfect.  I've never claimed to be.  But it is so hard to move past mistakes that I have made whether it be in relationships, my parenting skills or any of my previous jobs.  But this was a real eye opener.  You aren't trying unless you make a few hundred mistakes!

What are you waiting for??  It's time to link up for the party!!  Won't you please join us??

Until next time...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Love all these quotes... It's always good to try to be positive!!

  2. Loving all of this and how though it's so hard, you're trying to find the positivity in it all! Praying for you sweet friend :) Happy Thankful Thursday!!!

  3. Great quotes! Love them!! =) Keep your head up!
